Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015!

Hello, new year! It seems like 2015 is shaping up to be a big one for me and my hubby. Here's what I have on my to-do list for the year:

- Start grad school. In library science! :D  I got accepted to my top choice school, and it has one of the best programs in the country for school media, which is what I'm going for. I'd love to be a school librarian and have such an impact on helping kids to develop a love of reading. Fingers crossed I can make it through grad school and then find my dream job!

- Get a house. One that we own, instead of rent.

- Start a family. What?? I can't believe it! I'm so excited to add a little one to our family. :)  It was so crazy to think that this past Christmas might have been our last one without a baby or a bun in the oven!

To start off 2015, I've decided to look back at my resolutions from 2014 and see how I did over the course of the  year...
- Lose weight. Didn't do so great on this one. In fact, I need to lose more weight to get back to my goal than I did when I started 2014. :(  But hubby and I joined a gym towards the end of 2014, and we're planning on going a lot more in 2015. So hopefully I can do better on this one in the upcoming year.

- Blog more. I guess I did better at the beginning of last year, but real life got in the way once again towards the end of the year and I definitely didn't blog as often as I would have liked. Now that I'm starting library school with the goal of becoming a school librarian or a YA/children's librarian, I definitely want to blog more to keep up on new and noteworthy YA&MG books.

- Blog differently. Here was my idea for 2014: "So maybe I won't try to do so many reviews. Maybe I'll post more news stories, or more discovery posts where I share new books I've found. Because I get as much happiness out of finding new books and drooling over covers and making collections of books with similar features as I do actually reading them and reviewing them." I don't think I did as much of that as I had planned to. I definitely need to share more news and lists that I find. And I still have a long list of books that I planned to read and review and never got finished. So I'm going to work on making my blog a more informative place, and I have a few ideas to mix things up a bit.

- Choose books differently. Here was my idea for 2014: "From now on, I'm only requesting books that I'm freaking dying to read. If I don't dance in my chair when I see a book pop up on NetGalley, I'm not requesting it - I'll wait till I can buy it or get it from the library to read it. And on that note, I'm going to do more buying/librarying. Because there are a lot of books that are already out (and have been out for a while - like, in some cases, years) that I am freaking dying to read!" I did a little better on that front - I definitely did not request as many books from NetGalley, and I did get a lot more books from the library. But I still ended up with a long list of "to be reviewed" books that I never got to in 2014. So I still need to work on this, clearly. I'm hoping I can try some new things in 2015 that might cut down my list.

I don't really have anything new to add to my goals for this year - I'd just like to keep on working towards meeting my 2014 goals. So, just like last year, I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes ever and a wish that you have a happy and wonderful new year!

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art  write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

     ― Neil Gaiman

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